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    Winning AngelHack

    Bostons biggest Hackathon, 300+ devlopers, 25 hours of non-stop hacking and a 3 minute demo that won the best pitch award.

    Winning AngelHack was an amazing experience!

  • UX Product Management

    Rapid prototyping, usability testing, product-funnel experiments and improving the user experience to grow something into a $500M international tuition payment platform keept me on my toes.

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    Helping 4,000 Kids Learn

    I developed the research design, build all measurement tools and analyzed every data point to improve the educational outcomes for 4,000+ Native Hawaiian children.

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    Around the World Trip

    I sold everything I owned, jumped on a plane and travelled around the world on $25 a day for an entire year.

    Running my travel blog tought me inbound marketing, content strategy and SEO.

  • Optimizing the Web

    Seeing the need for data analytics and website optimization in Hawaii led me to start my own consulting business, optimizing the web presence of non-profits and solving data analytics problems for small businesses.

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    Web Analytics Workshops

    I taught 50+ people in multiple sessions how to optimize their website, improve their online marketing campaigns and design simple AB Tests using available web analytics tools.